Portable Drone Mitigation Units

Drones can fly more or less anywhere. If you want to protect people and assets against the security and privacy threats drones pose, you often need solutions that match drone technology toe-to-toe for agility and mobility.

Drone Defence Wherever You Need It

Whether you are looking to guard against intrusions from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at a one-off event, on a TV or film set, or if you want to secure the skies around police incidents, military manoeuvres or similar, A.I.M offers a range of all-in-one portable anti drone defence systems designed for mobility, convenience and rapid deployment.


Contact our team today to find out how our Drone Mitigation Solutions can benefit you.

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Precise Drone Protection

Commercial drones primarily fly on the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequency spectrum, but hobbyist drones or altered drones normally communicate on niche frequencies that might pose difficult to defend against. A.I.M’s mitigation solutions defend against commercial drones on the 2.4 GHZ and 5.8 GHz frequencies, but also have the capability to mitigate against drones found on uncommon drone frequencies. With A.I.M’s solutions, you can be sure that with the right equipment in place, your airspace will be protected from UAV’s.

Once the mitigation solutions are activated, the drone pilot will loose all communication with their drone. Depending on the drone make and model, the drone will either force land on the spot or it will initiate its return to home safety protocol. A.I.M’s mitigation solutions were designed specifically for rapid and effective use to ensure any potential malicious UAV’s in the sky are dealt with swiftly to help prevent any safety threats.

Peace of Mind Wherever You Are

Our self-contained portable drone defence units come ready assembled in a sturdy Pelican case. With sizes ranging from 8.6kg to 16kg, they are designed to be as easy to carry as they are fast to deploy.

Each unit comes with the choice of plugging into a power source on location or, for complete mobility, running it off an in-built, rechargeable battery. A fully charged battery will typically provide up to 1.5 hours of use. We also supply an optional high-grade battery pack extension.

Protection For Most Common Drone Types

Our mobile drone defence systems operate within  2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz spectrum ranges. This covers the most common frequencies used by RF, WIFI or FPV (first person view) drone control systems. Selected mitigation models can be configured to operate on more niche frequencies, allowing for a more precise defence around your airspace.

Should you require greater drone defence range, some units come with the option of adding external antennas, which increases range by up to 40%.

Talk to the Drone Mitigation Specialists

A.I.M’s mitigation solutions are the most effective methods to ward off drones in all scenarios. No matter your asset or location, our solutions will be able to defend your airspace effectively and swiftly. Speak with one of our drone mitigation specialists to find out more.

Peace of Mind Wherever You Are

Our self-contained portable drone defence units come ready assembled in a sturdy Pelican case. With sizes ranging from 8.6kg to 16kg, they are designed to be as easy to carry as they are fast to deploy.

Each unit comes with the choice of plugging into a power source on location or, for complete mobility, running it off an in-built, rechargeable battery. A fully charged battery will typically provide up to 1.5 hours of use. We also supply an optional high-grade battery pack extension.

Protection For Most Common Drone Types

Our mobile drone defence systems operate within  2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz spectrum ranges. This covers the most common frequencies used by RF, WIFI or FPV (first person view) drone control systems. Selected mitigation models can be configured to operate on more niche frequencies, allowing for a more precise defence around your airspace.

Should you require greater drone defence range, some units come with the option of adding external antennas, which increases range by up to 40%.

Talk to the Drone Mitigation Specialists

A.I.M’s mitigation solutions are the most effective methods to ward off drones in all scenarios. No matter your asset or location, our solutions will be able to defend your airspace effectively and swiftly. Speak with one of our drone mitigation specialists to find out more.


Also view our Fixed Drone Mitigation Solutions

Find out more

A.I.M Solutions

Early warning 360-degree detection of all major drone types

Long-range omnidirectional scanning

GPS flight path tracking on compatible drones

Video signal interception

Fixed and mobile deployment options

Real-time automatic SMS and e-mail alerts for rapid response


Interested in finding out how we can help? Please get in touch for more information.

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We're here to help

If you have recently experienced any drone intrusions or attacks, contact us today and speak to one of our drone defence specialists to arrange an initial consultation.

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If you'd like to share our details with your colleagues about how we can help, before you decide to talk with us, please download our brochure.
